Definition of Haidata

"the art of using human skills and tools to help AI models recognize objects better"


identify, recognize, elucidate

Examples of Haidata in a sentence

1. Let's Haidata for better accuracy


" Help AI models see the world better

In Haidata parlance, AI stands for Assisted Intelligence. It essentially means ‘humans assist machines, for them serve us better’.

The starting point then is to help machines recognize objects accurately - regardless of whether its self-driving cars, drones, healthcare, music or fashion.


Skills matter,
whether it's Silicon Valley or Rural Valley.

At Haidata we are committed to provide sustainable jobs for
technically qualified youth, who “choose to work” from rural locations
rather than cities, leading to local economic & community development.

Being the first AI/ML company to operate from the Nilgiris Hills
in India, Haidata’s band of engineers provide secure & affordable
annotation services to organizations across the world.


Santhosh Muralidharan

I love solving problems with technology, specifically using Embedded Software, Computer Vision and AI/ML-At-Edge technologies.

Also as a co-founder of Blinkeyelabs, I specialize in Embedded Software and Computer Vision with AI/ML @ edge.

Arvind Sivaji
Technology Advisor

Driven by innate passion towards taking an analytical approach to solving any problem, I specialize in architecting solution for analytics use cases, from start to end.

With a career spanning over 13 years, I bring in a strong product, technology and business perspectives necessary to make data-driven decisions.

Mahesh Bellie

As a tech-marketing professional & storytelling evangelist, I love to bring digital products & services to life through impactful marketing and powerful narratives.

Also through StoryEq, I enable tech-professionals & organizations to convert their experiences into powerful stories, and thus increase their net-worth in the market.

We believe in Collaboration

If you are passionate about products, technology or marketing, write to us at info@haidata.ai and we will be happy to hear your views and share our experiences as well.